A Fingerprint Repeated by Jeffery Condran


A Fingerprint Repeated by Jeffery Condran


ISBN 978-1-935708-86-5

8.5 x 5.5 softcover, 174 pages

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Praise for A Fingerprint Repeated

“Condran possesses an admirable ability to imbue isolated encounters with mystery and suspense.” 

Steve Yarbrough, author of The End of California

“Jeffrey Condran finds the strange in our everyday world the way a pig noses truffles from the earth right under our feet. Measured, brave, sometimes soiled, always full of heart, each of these stories has the feel of some wondrous treasure being offered.” 

William Lychack, author of The Architect of Flowers

“In these stories, Jeffrey Condran deliberately addresses the tensions and promise of our post-9/11 world with courage, intelligence, and empathy. His characters are often world-weary, but they remain open to the possibilities of love, connection, or even transformative ruin. Condran writes in a voice that radiates self-assurance and knowledge of the hopes and regrets that unite us all. This is a powerful collection.” 

Caitlin Horrocks, author of This is Not Your City

 “In one of the stories in Jeffrey Condran’s masterful collection, A Fingerprint Repeated, a character says, ‘if you’re not prepared to destroy your life, you’re not prepared to live.’ Over and over, his characters face such moments, playing out their private moments of self-destruction or salvation against larger canvases of terrorism or political repression: a man confronts his wife about her affair in a museum commemorating the victims of torture; before he acts, a college student debates how saving the life of a fellow student beaten in a hate crime might influence the family of a girl he loves; an awkward boy finds his first love after he risks ridicule defending the daughter of a terrorism suspect. These stories are all moving but, even more, they matter in the way good fiction should matter.” 

Joseph M. Schuster, author of The Might Have Been


About the Author

Jeffrey Condran's fiction has been honored with several awards, including The Missouri Review’s William Peden Prize and Pushcart Prize nominations. He teaches writing and literature at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and is the co-founder of Braddock Avenue Books